Monday, September 30, 2019

Botulism & hospitalization

Microbial intoxication refers to the diseases followed by ingestion of toxins produced by pathogens outside the body. Botulism is a water-borne and food-borne disease transmitted in foods (Englelkirk & Duebn-Engelkirk, 2007). Patients with botulism are required to prolonged hospitalization and intensive care (Evans & Brachman, 1998). Although this disease is rare, both animals and humans can be affected which can cause flaccid muscle weakness o even death (Lewis, Knight, Lewis, & Lewis, 1995). In the early human history, it was speculated that our prehistoric ancestors suffered also from botulism.They usually preserved extra meat by wrapping it animal skins and animal organs then smoked it and buried underneath the ground which served as a basic refrigerator, allowing the meat to freeze (Rosaler, 2003). The history if first botulism outbreak happened on 1793 in Wildbad, Germany from consumption of a favorite local dish—blood sausages (Fig. 1). The blood sausages were prepared from washing out the pig intestines, then blood and various spices are stuffed in. Both ends are tied, boiled in water, smoked, and stored for weeks at room temperature.Usually, the people who ate it did not have effect but after people share it they became sick. Most of them vomited, some partially paralyzed, and speech thickened. Later, there were six people dead. Justinus Kerner, the local medical officer and physician, was sent to find out the cause of the incident. However, Kerner was not able to identify the cause of deaths from eating blood sausages. Nevertheless, he was able to note significant observations such as blood sausages with air pockets did not become poisonous and the sausages in large casings are likely to be poisonous.He conducted a dangerous experiment by injecting the sausage fluid, wurstgift, into his own body (Rosaler, 2003). Until then, he was able to observe the symptoms similar to the patients. The disease was named â€Å"Kerner’s disease† f or many years. He conducted follow up experiments on various cases food poisoning and published his findings. Aside from food-borne and water-borne, botulism can also be wound botulism when toxins are produced from the wound that is infected with the bacteria Clostridium botulinum (Fig. 2).The bacteria is a gram positive spore-forming bacilli that is invasive and toxin mediated (Shimeld, 1999). This rod-shaped bacteria is often found in soil where there is low-oxygen forming spores that allow it to survive in dormant state. People infected with botulism usually have the symptoms of blurred vision, difficulty in swallowing, and muscle weakness; while infants with botulism appear lethargic, constipated, weak cry and muscle tone which are all signs of muscle paralysis that is caused by the bacterial toxin. The paralysis can progress in the arms, legs, and respiratory muscles if untreated.On the other hand, in food botulism, symptoms appear as early after six hours to thirty-six hours a nd the latest is ten hours (Bullock, Haddow, & Coppola, 2006). In general there are seven forms of botulism coded as types A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. These forms are grouped if they are proteoluytic. In Group I is proteolytic which includes types A, B, or F toxins. Group II is non-proteolytic which includes types B, E, or F toxins. Group III is also non-proteolytic which includes types C or D toxins. Lastly, the Groupd IV is also non-proteolytic and non-saccharolytic including G toxin.Among the four groups, Groups I and II cause botulism in humans while Group III causes botulism in birds and animals. Group IV, on the other hand, are very rare and does not affect humans. Proteolytic strains normally live in minima temperatures of growth which is 12 °C or above, while the non-proteolytic can live to a temperature as low as 3. 3 °C (Wilkinson & Gould, 1996). Figure 2 Clostridium botulinum. The pale bodies are the spores (Sebaiha et al. 2007) C. botulinum lives as dormant spore or a s cavenger in decaying animal materials in soil but it has no specific mechanism to evade human defenses.The variants of each single species are connected because of the deadly toxin. For example, some of the genes found in C. botulinum are not found in other sequence. It can be easily destroyed by a toxin in some cases. However, the toxins never stop poisoning killing its preys. It has the ability to hide and hibernate through dormant spores when environment is harsh. This bacteria uses many strategies to increase its probability of survival (Sebaiha, Peck, Minton, & Thomson, 2007). In diagnosing botulism, patient’s history and physical examination is taken into consideration but these are not enough to identify botulism.Diseases such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, stroke, and myasthenia gravis appear to be similar with botulism. Tests such as brain scan, spinal fluid examination, electromyography, or Tensilon test for myasthenia gravis are conducted in order to diagnose which di sease. Another way of diagnosis is by injecting placing botulinum toxin to the patient’ serum or stool, then injecting it to a mice and observe for relevant symptoms; while other test of stool can be conducted by some state health department laboratories and at CDC (Bullock et al. , 2006).Otherwise, the patients should undergo passive immunization which has horse serum with anti-A, B, and E toxins. There is also trivalent antitoxin available in CDC, Atlanta and botulism toxoid (Evans & Brachman, 1998). Cases of botulism vary depending on the types of botulism toxin. If there is respiratory failure and paralysis, the patient needs to be in ventilator for weeks and intensive medical care and the paralysis will improve. Respiratory failure can cause death but there is an antitoxin which can block the reaction of toxins on food-borne and wound botulism.The source on the wound, however, should be removed surgically. The recovery can take weeks nevertheless the progress of the dise ase will be prevented. Moreover, the death cases of botulism from the past fifty years decreased from 50% to 8%. Among those who survived poisoning, patients may experience fatigue and shortness of breathe that could last for years thus therapy is required (Bullock et al. , 2006). There are ways to prevent botulism. The source of most food-borne botulism is home-canned goods.Other sources can be from chopped garlic in oil, chili peppers, tomatoes, aluminum foil-wrapped potatoes (improperly cooked), and home canned/fermented fish. Hygienic procedures are necessary in order to prevent contamination especially in home canning and that oils with herbs and garlic should be refrigerated; baked potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil should be kept hot before serving or refrigerated; home-canned goods should be boiled before eating sine the botulism toxin will destroyed in high temperatures, and children below one year should not be fed with honey since Clostridium botulinum spores are present i n honey.There are public education about botulism prevention and there are also experts on botulism available for consultancy in state health departments and CD (Bullock et al. , 2006). In the United States, the average botulism case is 110 every year were majority of these cases are infant botulism (72%). It is followed by followed by food-borne which is 25% and the rest are wound botulism. Outbreaks are usually caused by eating contaminated home-canned goods (Bullock et al. , 2006). Botulism outbreaks, on the other hand, are rare in tropical regions.Most occurred in temperate and colder regions during spring and winter seasons in the northern hemisphere such as Alaska, Canada, United States, Poland, United kingdom, Russia, Iran, and China (Doyle, Steinhart, & Cochrane, 1994). The largest botulism outbreak in the United States in the last 25 years caused 30 cases where four were in severe conditions. The cause was from a potato-based dip that were wrapped in aluminum foil and store d in ambient temperature (Fratarnico, Bhunia, & Smith, 2005). References Bullock, J. A. , Haddow, G. D. , & Coppola, D.P. (2006). Introduction to Homeland Security. Retrieved 31 May 2008, from http://books. google. com/books? id=yHpkkc3ZqlMC Doyle, M. e. , Steinhart, C. E. , & Cochrane, B. A. (1994). Food Safety 1994. Retrieved 31 May 2008, from http://books. google. com/books? id=S28jeel2VfUC Englelkirk, P. G. , & Duebn-Engelkirk, J. (2007). Laboratory Analysis of Infectious Diseases. Retrieved 31 May 2008, from http://books. google. com/books? id=RfjRLEVax1QC Evans, A. S. , & Brachman, P. S. (1998). Bacterial Infections of Human: Epidemiology and Control.Retrieved 31 may 2008, from http://books. google. com/books? id=xADJBP7iqRwC Fratarnico, P. M. , Bhunia, A. K. , & Smith, J. L. (2005). Foodborne Pathogens: Microbiology and Molecular Biology. Retrieved 31 May 2008, from http://books. google. com/books? id=-HNavPPs-JoC Lewis, L. D. , Knight, A. , Lewis, B. , & Lewis, C. (1995). Eq uine Clinical Nutrition: Feeding and Care. Retrieved 31 May 2008, from http://books. google. com/books? id=vpuTp_vwsegC Rosaler, M. (2003). Botulism. Retrieved 31 may 2008, from http://books. id=7srrKGDkswkC Sebaiha, M. , Peck, M. W. , Minton, N. P. , & Thomson, N. R. (2007). Genome sequence of a proteolytic (Group I) Clostridium botulinum strain Hall A and comparative analysis of the clostridial genomes. Genome Research. Shimeld, L. A. (1999). Essentials of Diagnostic Microbiology. Retrieved 31 May 2008, from http://books. google. com/books? id=8Rn47SNdbYAC Wilkinson, V. M. , & Gould, G. W. (1996). Food Irradiation: A Reference Guide. Retrieved 31 May 2008, from http://books. google. com/books? id=FpIpsqs7CRUC

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Abortion: One of the Most Argumentative Topics

One of the most argumentative topics with our court today is the topic of abortion. Abortion has been practiced in the United States since the founding of the Republic according to You debate. It all began when married woman moved to lower their fertility rates after 1830. it became a widespread practice held in the United States. According to You debate, doctor’s estimated that in the 1960’s through the 1970’, there was at least one abortion every four birth’s. One common worry that congress had was the safety of the mother’s during the abortion progress. Before 1973, â€Å" abortions were preformed illegally, and in unskilled ways, many woman died from the awful infections and intense bleeding. Hangers and other sharp objects were one of many objects used for illegal abortions† (you debate, 2). There are numerous reasons as to why someone would be for abortions, or against abortions. In my own personal opinion, I believe that a woman has a right to decide what she would like to do. This essay will consist of both pro’s and con’s of abortion. Also, it will include certain cases that been brought to the congress’s attention. Abortion is a topic that several Americans have expressed their concerns with. People have the right to their own opinion whether they are pro or con for abortion. There are several reasons for pro-choice. One according to WCLA, is that â€Å" we support reproductive freedom† which means that an individual woman should be able to make her own choice whether or not she is going to give birth to the child. Also, laws have never stopped abortion. When illegal abortion was the leading killer of woman in the United States, there was no right to life choice. Most people in the United States believe that abortion may be the morally right choice under certain circumstances. Some of those circumstances are for example when a woman is rapped. If a woman gets rapped, I believe that is she is pregnant by the man, that she does have a right whether or not to birth the child because of the circumstances. According to WLCA, â€Å" Many people who are personally opposed to abortion for religious or moral reasons also believe that it’s wrong to impulse their values by civil law on everyone. You don’t have to like abortion to respect the right of choice. Another argument that congress has had to face is whether the baby is considered a alive, or is not. According to WLCA, â€Å"The fetus is totally dependent on the body of the woman for it’s life support. The health of the fetus is directly related to the health of the pregnant woman. Only at birth are they separated. † A woman named Margaret Sanger said, â€Å" No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her own body. † Almost all legislatures who oppose abortion rights also support the death penalty. One might ask if they think that people who are are convicted of murder are no longer human. According to the WLCA, The Constitution protects various rights that are not specifically mentioned. The constitutional right of privacy has been interpreted repeatedly to include matters of marriage, sex, and family, specifically â€Å"the right to be free from unwarranted governmental intrusion into matters so fundamentally affecting a person as the decision whether to bear a child or beget a child. † The agreement among the people of the United States has grown in support. In 1982, an NBC poll showed that 77% agreed to abortion should be between the woman and the doctor only. Another poll showed that 5. 4% of rape victims become pregnant. This poll proved that people are becoming more sympathetic towards women who are being rapped and getting pregnant. Also, most medications are not completely 100% effective for getting pregnant. Because of this, abortion should not be a problem because all medications are not 100% effective. Also, some people cannot afford to pay for medications. Therefore, abortion would be necessary. According to WLCA, â€Å"The increase in teen sex has complex society causes, including sexually orientated such as TV, movies, and ads. Birth control and abortion don’t cause sex. † The Supreme Court, in 1976, reaffirmed that the privacy allows woman to be free of governmental interference in decisions about childbearing. The court struck down the law that the father of the child does not have a say so in the decision of his unborn child. The court came to the conclusion that the person who is physically bearing the child is more affected by the pregnancy. Another reason for abortion is that most unwanted babies are usually battered or even killed by the immature parents are not ready to raise a child. The parents may not want the baby, so there fore they do not show or give the baby the love that he or she needs. Most abortions are done for health reason. When is a woman is with child, there are several cases in which the mother could in fact become in danger is the mother does decide to bear the child. In some cases, the babies that are being aborted are unhealthy babies. The parents can try again for a healthy baby. Also if we have abortion clinics, there will be a less percent of â€Å"abortion mills†. These are places in which woman have high risks of being hurt by the people actually doing the procedure. One last reason according to WLCA, why abortions should be accepted in the United States is that when a child is in the wound, the brain and sensory waves do not develop until the 30th week. Most abortions do not accrue usually after the 24th week. There are several reasons as to why people do not accept abortion in the Untied States. People believe that human life begins when there is conception of a child. Therefore, it would be calling abortion murder. According to WLCA, â€Å"abortion is morally wrong. † wrong. † They believe that if you think abortion is morally wrong, you are obligated to work to make abortion illegal. People also believe that it is a sense of â€Å"decay† towards Americans. People believe that the fetus is not just part of the mother, but actually another separate human being. The argument that argues a woman’s rights to her own body are argued with the statement, â€Å"The right of the unborn to live supersedes any right of a woman to control her own body† (WLCA, 1 ). Abortion could also be wrong because it is described as taking a human life. Also, if abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution, then why is it considered a constitutional right? People in the United States declare that we add an amendment that describes it as the human life amendment. This would consist of declaring a fetus a full person. Also, abortion should not be legal because of a rape situation. They believe this because the percent of woman who get pregnant after being rapped are very low. The question will always remain â€Å"If you are having sex, you should be able to pay for consequences. † Most Americans feel that if a woman is old enough to have sex, then she is able to take care of a child if she is aware of the idea of getting pregnant. According to DEBATE, â€Å"Teenagers are being les and less capable of saying no. Having the option of abortion increases the sexual experiences of teenagers. † People think that the teenager who is considering having an abortion, to consult their parents first. They believe that the parent will be able to help guide the teenager’s decision to a more moral outcome. Another argument is that most parents, who do not want the child at the time, want the child later on in life. There are several other negative effects of abortion such as woman who have died from legal abortion verses those who have died from illegal abortions. Study shows that if a woman has an abortion, then it could possibly affect her pregnancy later on in life. Adoption affects are also a strong case in congress with the subject of abortion. They want people to know that they could give birth to the child, and then give it up for adoption. There has also been a shortage is adoptive children because of the high numbers of abortion each year. In conclusion, there are several opinions on whether a woman has the right to carry her pregnancy to full term. There are several pros and cons about the topic abortion. In the United States, people battle with abortion everyday. This is a topic that may take several years to finally resolve with the Supreme Court. Is it that we are murdering a human being? Does a woman have the right whether to bear and have her child? Should the Supreme Court be for or against it? Both sides have very strong points of view about the positive and negative affects. With the case of Madsen V. Woman’s Health Center, the people protesting do have the right to their freedom of speech because it was not trespassing. But will it do any good or have any affect on the woman going in and out of the clinic? Who knows? This is a difficult decision that the Congress will have to decide. We may never be alive when this conflict is resolved.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Application of Organisational Behaviour in Management

Application of Organisational Behaviour in Management In this paper I am going to describe the theme about organisational behaviour and to analyze and explore the aspects of organisational behaviour theory and its application in practice. The background of organisational behaviour The term originated in the early of 60’s (20th century), when several lines of scientific disciplines involved in explaining the processes that occur in the organisation, between organisations, as well as between the external and internal environment combined into a single entity. In spite of the increasing theorisation of organisational behaviour, it is actively used in practice. Businessmen mocked the concepts such as a group work or enrichment work for decades, as long as the consultants began to sell these ideas under the guise of a new tendency called â€Å"compressed production.† In the beginning they mocked â€Å"discussion of organisational culture†, but accepted these theories when consultants began to submit them under the label â€Å"organisational advantage, organisational skills.† Sometimes, the practitioners faced to different problems and became â€Å"the gullible victims† of the organisational fashion, the same ideas and researches. For example, the enthusiasm for â€Å"organisational excellence† mostly meant that people had never tried to assimilate and apply the standard concepts of organisational behaviour, which were known by at least thirty years before. Organisational behaviour is a systematic and scientific analysis of individuals, groups and organisations in order to understand, predict and improve the individual performance and functioning of the organisation (i.e., based on personality). Organisational behaviour is a study of people and groups in the organisation. This is an academic discipline, which helps managers to make effective decisions when working with people in a complex dynamic environment. It combines concepts and theories related to individuals, groups, org anisations in general. In accordance with the latter definition I can distinguish three levels of behaviour problems: Personal Group and Organisational Richard Pettinger proves the fact that organisational behaviour is concerned with: â€Å"the purposes for which organisations are created; the behaviour of individuals, and an understanding of the pressures and influences that cause them to act and react in particular ways; the qualities that individuals bring to particular situations; the creation of groups, collections of people brought together for given purposes; the background and context within which activities take place; relationships and interactions with the wider environment with other organisations and groups; the management and ordering of the whole and its parts into productive and effective work relationships.† (Pettinger (2000) page 4). Organisational behaviour is a systematic study and practical application of knowledge about how people (individuals an d groups) interact within the organisation. According to Simms, Price & Ervin the main purposes of organisational theorists are â€Å"to revitalize organisational theory and develop a better conceptualisation of organisational life.† (Simms, Price and Ervin (1994) page 121). Jablin and Putnam admit that â€Å"an organisational theorist should carefully consider levels assumptions being made in theory, and is concerned to help managers and administrators.† (Jablin and Putnam (2000) page 146). The main approaches to the study of organisational behaviour There are two basic approaches: Trial and error method, based on the accumulation of life experiences to find effective behaviours. Using special techniques and methods of related disciplines. This approach involves the mastery of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. It is important for a manager to combine both approaches. There are the following techniques in the study of organisational behaviour: surveys, including interviews, questionnaires, testing. Collection and analysis of information (based on the study of documents). Observation and experiment.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ethical approval Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Ethical approval - Essay Example (For example, outline of research methodology, what information/data collection strategies will you use, where will you recruit participants and what approach you intend to take to the analysis of information / data generated) Data will be collected through a face-to-face semi-structured interview of nurses and patients. This is only fitting considering that Hancock (1998) relates that data collection in a qualitative research involves direct encounters with individuals through one to one interviews. In-depth interview allows intensive exploration of a topic with someone who has had related experiences. Open-ended questions will be used during the interview. This is in contrast with close-ended questions which may limit further exploration of the participants’ experiences. Typically the recommended sample for grounded theory is about 20 to 30 participants (Polit & Beck, 2006). Determining the sample size depends on the quality and richness of the data. This research will aim to involve 20 nurses and 20 patients. Once College ethical approval is gained, the researcher will send a formal letter to the hospital administration in Kuwait and to the surgical unit supervisor or manager requesting permission to recruit patients and staff from the hospital. Once the approval is gained the researcher will then proceed to place a notice/poster in the surgical ward which will invite volunteers from among surgical nurses and patients who are willing to take part in the research or those who are readily available to become participants of the research. There is no ethical committee in the Kuwait hospital; therefore organisational approval will be gained from the Manager. The research will involve registered nurses who work in surgical units. Only those nurses who are currently assigned in the surgical unit of the Kuwait Hospital will be eligible to participate in the study. The questions for nurses covers main areas

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Industrialization in development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Industrialization in development - Essay Example n the Industrial Revolution, which began in Great Britain in the 18th century and spread to other parts of Europe and North America in the early 19th century {Stearns, Peter N., and John H. Hinshaw,1996). Industrialization had occurred by the end of the 19th century in some southern European countries and in Japan, and during the 20th century, particularly after World War II (1939-1945), in eastern Asia. In many developing nations, industrialization started even later during the 80’s and 90’s.Today, Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom are among the worlds major industrialized countries. Of the late China, Singapore, and many other European nations have also joined this list. Along with these many prospective developing countries like India, Brazil and South Africa have also made great strides. The  process  of  industrialization usually includes a movement from rural to urban living and a shift from home to factory production. Increased mechanization in agriculture generally leads to increased agricultural productivity and enough food for large urban populations. Agricultural productivity growth is necessary for modern industrial growth to become self-sustaining. Other conditions are also necessary for industrialization to occur, and the next section describes three differing theories on this process that were developed during the 20th century. Industrialization was not a process of smaller period, but it was slow phase change of the economy and the manufacturing methods. It led to the mechanization of the process. The production of goods was decentralized, giving small groups of workers a sense of active participation in and control over their work. Costs were high, however, and the volume of production was relatively low. Industrialization greatly heightened output and made key goods, sometimes called commodities, more accessible. Industrialization has a great impact on modern economy. It made rich more richer and poor still poorer, due to

The Implications of Cultural Diversity on Organizational Performance Essay - 1

The Implications of Cultural Diversity on Organizational Performance and The Role of Human Resource Management - Essay Example (Sommer, 2005) The attempt has been proactive in nature since the relation between performance and the incorporation of competent individuals from diverse backgrounds is all the more necessary in the times much like today. Cultural diversity and organizational performance both have significant bearing on the overall working regimes of the organization and thus should be given the importance that these deserve in essence. No organization can meaningfully progress today without efficiently responding to demands and pressures generated by cultural diversity. Adoption human resources management (HRM) for such recommendations which has been provided in this assignment would contribute effectively to maximize the benefits of cultural diversity within an organization. Workforce depends a great deal on the way in which workers perform their duties and remain committed to the growth potentials of the business. It does not really matter if the workers are full time employee or contingent and part time ones. What is needed and looked upon is the manner in which employees work towards attaining the goals and objectives of the business and provide benefits to the eventual position of the organization. This is the single most quintessential basis for the workforce to identify with and no other aspect is deemed in the same vein when it comes to the amount of significance that workforce could exhibit on any given day. If the organization has a major share of temporary workers within its fold, it is of paramount essence that the organization’s own culture is strong and there are no apprehensions in this basis whatsoever. (Buttner, 2006) This is because organization’s culture lays the foundation stone for their devotion and work place performa nce levels to a higher magnitude. Any set of values and beliefs make up a culture. On the same pretext, an organizational culture is a set of values, morals, beliefs, traditions

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Crossrail railway project-Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Crossrail railway project-Report - Essay Example ing connections between the city of London and those in the East and the West thought direct linkages, employment of thousands of workers and creation of business opportunities, significant reduction of time taken by commuters while travelling, and most importantly eases perennial congestion of commuters through increased capacity of existing railways and the construction of others (House of Lords, 2005:62). Easing up of congestion has been highlighted as the most important benefit the Crossrail project will deliver. It is envisaged that over 20 trains will operate every hour when the project is officially opened in the year 2014, with each train having a capacity to ferry about 1400 commuters. As such, it is estimated that annually, over 200 million passengers will use the Crossrail (Pagan, 2011:54). The Crossrail is without doubt a very ambitious project which will have significant impact to the economy of Europe once completed. In this paper, we will look at the factors that are contributing to its success across the stages of presentation of the bill to parliament, building, and being ready to commence operations. We will also look at the practices employed, both bad and good, in its management and development against skill and managerial primary elements usually used in the management of such projects. Factors that have contributed to the success of the development of the Crossrail development project include political good will, especially in funding, identification of reliable sponsors, and time tracking to ensure completion of project is on schedule. The Crossrail bill was introduced to parliament in the year 2005 for discussion, deliberations and possible approvals (Colville, 2008:34). The support accorded to it has been very positive so far, with the bill being granted a royal assent in 2008, effectively making it an act of parliament, that is, the Crossrail Act of 2008 (Bernand, 2008:29). One of the good practices employed in the management and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Materiality in Auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Materiality in Auditing - Essay Example As per IASB, the term ‘materiality’ refers to the information that are is important if their its exclusion or inaccurate presentation could shape the economic decision of the users of the financial statement of a business. The Materiality rests upon the magnitude of the evaluated element or error in some scenario of the auditor’s omission or inaccurate presentation. The Materiality depicts the significance of an exclusion or of an incorrect presentation of an accountancy data or information which will impact the decision of a user of such accountancy information. As per ISA (UK&I) 320 , materiality in planning and carrying over out an audit means that the auditor employs the notion of materiality in planning and carrying over out the audit to identify material misstatements. Moreover, at the final  end of the auditing, the auditor will decide whether the unrectified misstatements recognised are either in aggregate or individually material to the financial statements or not. Thus, in deciding the materiality, auditor has to exercise his judgment. An omission or misstatement can be evaluated to be material or immaterial by virtue of their its nature or size or a mixture of both (FRC 2013:7). The auditor is anticipated to design and carry out an audit that offers a reasonable promise that materials’ misstatements will be exposed. Both materiality and audit risk are interconnected in that audit risk is explained in terms of materiality. If there is a material misstatement present in the financial statement even after the audit has been executed , in such case auditor will be held responsile for not highlighting the materiality (Rittenberg, Johnstone & Gramming 2011:135). The notion of materiality offers flexibility to financial reporting, and this can result in abuse. Corporations may record â€Å"small† errors

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Smoking ban laws in public places Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Smoking ban laws in public places - Essay Example Thus, a ban on smoking would fail (Proctor). However, if smoke-free laws are enforced, premature deaths can be reduced because many people would refrain from the habit. Indeed, intensive smoking that is associated with severe health consequences can be avoided if strict smoking laws are enforced (ACS CAN 5). Smoke-free laws are also appropriate because they reduce the number of smokers in a country. This can happen in two ways. First, smokers will have limited places where they can smoke freely. Since comprehensive smoking laws prohibit smoking in public places, many smokers will be forced to quit the habit. As a result, there will be a decrease in the number of active smokers in within a country. Second, young people who would otherwise become smokers will not have the opportunity to do so. Normally, when young people start smoking, they do so in places where there are no family members. Public places provide an ideal environment for starting the smoking habit (Guilfoyle). Opponents of smoke-free laws argue that tough smoking rules would encourage smoking in hazardous environments, potentially endangering the lives of smokers (Proctor). However, with smoke-free laws, prospective smokers will not have anywhere to start the habit (Guilfoyle). In addition, smoke-free laws are appropriate because they decrease health costs. Health costs are incurred by smokers and nonsmokers. Smokers are at a higher risk of developing smoking-related illnesses. Smoking can also worsen other chronic conditions such as asthma. Nonsmokers can develop health complications such as chest pain, stroke, and asthma from secondhand smoking. They can also increase their chances of contracting lung cancer. Opponents of smoke-free laws argue that although there may be a decrease in health costs, there will still be severe economic consequences. For instance, several multi-billion dollar cigarette industries would close down

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Jonathan Wild †Henry Fielding Essay Example for Free

Jonathan Wild – Henry Fielding Essay The History of the life of Jonathan Wild is the philosophical disposition of a criminal in a right sense belonging to the group of â€Å"Thief Takers†, he emerged as one of the â€Å"Greatest man† in the world of Crime. With the irony as a tool and a satirical disposition, English novelist Henry Fieldings bought the real Jonathan Wild into his words who was great but goodness was not his vocation and caliber. Jonathan Wild belonged to the genre of Thieve Takers of London. Thieve takers were the ordinary men and women who were rewarded by the police man if they successfully capture highwaymen or law breakers and hand over them to the police or prosecute them themselves. Majority of them were men and they find this work very lucrative. The rates of each Highwaymen, coiners and burglars were worth ? 40 and additional ? 100 was rewarded to them if the crime was committed within the range of five miles of Charing Cross. Jonathan Wild was the most popular and clever of all thief takers at his contemporary period. In the beginning of the eighteenth century he had caught and put before the magistrate many criminals of London. Besides, he would also help in recovering the stolen goods and would demand hefty sum from them. His disposition towards crime created before him an image of a respected citizen in front of not only the authorities but also of whole of London. This attitude in him narrator defined as â€Å"Greatness†, but what nobody knew behind his Greatness lies a most clever and hard-core criminal and a thief. Here the complexity in the nature of protagonist comes in as confined within his nature was a hidden â€Å"bad man†. The recovery of the stolen goods was the part of his great plan. He build up his own empire, with several gangs who had their bases in several districts of London. These gangs had the only business of robbing and pick pocketing. He had also set up specialized gangs for looting churches, gangs over prostitutes, gangs who used to collect protection money from but he never came forward to head the gang but only give them direction. Anyone found neglecting his work or cheated him was immediately reported to police with solid evidences and witnesses who were themselves Wild’s man and in return Wild would get cash reward, therefore narrator abruptly described him as not â€Å"Good. † He was a great hypocrite and was so clever that he always go himself scotch free as no one could prove him guilty. He always would show his gratitude to those who would favor him and show his loyalty towards him and would go to any extent to punish those who would show disloyalty towards them. He would also give protection to those who would seek his to escape from law but also in several cases would himself hand these very people to the authorities not found worthy of him or if get tired. He would never handle the stolen goods himself but had large warehouses where the goods can be altered or repaired and would himself pass the information about the travelers to highwayman. Authorities had complete knowledge about all his illegal activities but were not able to lay their hands on him because of lack of proof. But as there is an end of every bad man, Wild end had also come near and he was finally arrested and given death sentence. Fielding showed Wilde as a courageous soul. At Newgate prison he asked prison clergyman about the â€Å"Theological consequences† of suicide, as he attempted to kill himself by drinking laudanum. Fielding crafted Wild as a bold character with preposterous energy and unswerving disposition. As said by Claude Rawson â€Å"We must not however omit one circumstance, as it serves to show the most admirable conservation of character in our hero to his last moment, which was, that whilst the ordinary was busy in his ejaculations, Wilde in the midst of the Shower of Stones, which played upon him, applied his hands to the Parsons pocketr, and emptied it of his bottle screw, which he carried out in the world with his hand. â€Å"(Rawson, pg 75). Jonathan Wilde was bold, and had a very strong attitude that he remained with it until the death which narrator aptly termed â€Å"Conservation of Character. †, and truly he was. Works Cited Julien Rawson Claude, The Cambridge Companion to Henry Fielding, Cambridge University Press, 2007. Fielding, Julien Rawson Claude, Bree Linda, Jonathan Wild, Oxford University Press, 2003.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Virgin Blue Holdings Limited SWOT Analysis

Virgin Blue Holdings Limited SWOT Analysis About the company Virgin Blue Holdings Limited, an Australia-based company, is involved in the airline industry. The companys segments include long and short hauls. The company owns a fleet comprising of 68 Boeing 737-700 800 series along with Embraer E-170 and E-190 aircrafts. Virgin Blue Airlines functions approx 2100 flights per week to 24 national cities and centers and 8 international places including ports in Figi, New Zealand, Tonga, Vanuatu, the Cook Island and Samoa. Virgin Blue had been established in the year 2000 as wholly owned subsidiary of Virgin Group. In 2002 Virgin, along with Partrick invested in the airline field. In the year 2008, Virgin Blue Holdings Limited came into existence and floated on the exchange for selling the holdings of Virgin Group. Virgin Blue Holdings main operation is in the airline business in Australia, while it operates in air transportation and schedule sector also. SWOT Analysis Of Virgin Blue Holding Limited (S)trengths: Motivated management: The management of the Virgin Blue Holding Limited is highly motivated and continuously involved in value improvement process. A motivated team ensures giving its best to earn super profits. Innovation: The corporate level strategy of this company is innovation. This helps the company in preparing the niche segment for itself. Also helps the company in having a upper hand over competitor. Young staff: Strength of Virgin Holding Limited lies in their staff which is comprised of young people. This will increase their work efficiency and productivity, and thus lead to superior profit making. (W)eaknesses: Capital Intensive Business Lines: Virgin Blue Holdings business is highly a capital intensive business thus requiring managing of heavy investment and maintenance cost. The point to reach breakeven too is thus, longer than otherwise. Low return on investment: The airline industry is highly volatile and cyclical in nature and usually have low return on investment. (O)pportunities: Niche market: Instead of targeting the masses to fly economy and certain business class crowd, the company targets the student and this segment has high growth opportunities. Less competitive market: Another opportunity for the company is that this market is less competitive market and has high growth scope, and thus it would enable them to get the movers advantage and becoming market leader thereby earning super profit. Richard Branson: Richard Branson passion for aircraft also helps in expansion of business. (T)hreats: Existing player: Existing competitor can act as a threat for Virgin Blue and impact their market share. Also there is a threat from the entry of new player. Air flight safety: Another concern for airline industry is safety. This is the most common sector for terrorist attack and any such event can damage their business and brand to a greater extent. Key audit risks: Mainly the audit risks are of three types: Inherent Risks Control Risks Detection Risks The following are the key Audit risks- Revenue Recognition: (Detection Risk) Identifying important ratios such as Accounts receivables/Sales or Inventory/Cost of Goods Sold is important are these are predictive of negative events. Account affected: Profitability Ratios. Expense Recognition: (Detection Risk) Deferred long-term expense and exaggerated depreciation often distorts balance sheet. Checking of these ratios such as Selling GA Expenses to Operating Expenses YoY basis and also comparing them with industry standards. Account affected: Profitability Ratios. Asset-Liability Valuation: (Detection Risk) Liquidity, Asset Turnover, Net Income/Equity, Leverage, Goodwill, etc may be comparable with peer group and previous years. Account affected: Asset Turnover Ratios and Liquidity Ratios. Directors holding position of Officers: (Control Risk) As directors have fiduciary responsibilities towards the shareholders, they should not have positions that are subjected to conflict of interest. Account affected: Dividend payments and other policies related to shareholders. The CEO and Chairman are separate: (Control Risk) The roles of the CEO and Chairman are performed by separate people as the chairman would then be able to represent the shareholders interest better. Account affected: Dividend payments and other policies related to shareholders. Stepping down of Virgins long term CEO Brett Godfrey: Earlier in 2010 virgin long term CEO Brett Godfrey stepped down and was replaced by John Brochette. Due to change in CEO, the auditors need to properly emphasize or assess the following points: Change in corporate governance: Stepping down of the existing CEO can lead to corporate governance issues in organization. If the new CEO is not as effective, then it leads to bureaucracy and account manipulation issues in an organization. The auditor needs to evaluate this area carefully. Accountability of board of director: The auditor should make sure that same practices of accountability and displace is maintained in organization. There should not be any misappropriation or misuse of funds available. Analysis of share holding pattern change: The auditor needs to analyze if there is any change in the shareholding pattern due to stepping down of the CEO. This will help in evaluating the existing funding structure of the company and help in evaluating welfare of shareholder by maximization shareholders wealth. The auditor should properly investigate where the funds are being divested. Current Financial Information of Virgin Blue Holding Limited: Net profit after income tax for 6 month period, ended 31/12/2009 was $62.5 million and that reflects $163.9 million more compared to the corresponding 6 month term ended 31/12/2008. The net profit of the period is made up of: In these 6 months to 31/12/2009, the underlying OPs profit before tax went up by 34% and got profit of $80.1million. Basic EPS for the 6 months period ended 31/12/2009 had a profit of 3.3cents/share. Business segments Virgin Group has 2 segments, described below that are Groups business segment. The business segment offers different services and products, and managed separately as they need different types of aircraft. For each business segment, the internal management reports are reviewed on monthly by the board. The summary describes operations in each segment: Short haul Operations using short haul fleet by Boeing 737 aircraft Embraer 190 and 170 aircraft. This includes Australian, New Zealand, Trans-Tasman and Pacific Island flying. Long haul Operations that use Boeing 777 fleet. This predominantly comprises of Trans-Pacific flying. Partnerships of Virgin Blue Holdings Limited: Etihad signed a partnership with Virgin Blue Holdings Limited: All Virgin Holding services will now be available also to the Etihad customers, by opening up of 44 destinations in Asia, Australia, Pacific Islands, New Zealand, and Los Angles.ÂÂ   The code share agreement will come to effect right from October. As result of this deal, Virgin Australia is to become as first Australian carrier operator to operate at the Middle East since 1991. Together with V Australia and Eithad Virgin Blue will be able to fly twenty seven flights in between Abu Dhabi Australia which will include the services between Abu Dhabi-Sydney, Melbourne Brisbane. Etihad management said that Australia is a very important market place for us we are happy that after this collaboration we will be able to serve our purpose better. We currently fly about 450,000 people a year to Australasia, we think this deal will add about 100,000 to that figure. With this collaboration we will be in a position to serve the USA Europe trips better from Australia, that will give us a distinct advantage over the other competitors, improves the sustainability comfort of travel. The agreement would joing the Blue Group and Etihad frequent flier programs, thus allowing the customers to earn burn miles in all of these airlines that are involved in deal. Partnership of Virgin Blue V Australia with Virgin America for Frequent Fly: Virgin Blue with its long-haul airline, V Australia has partnered with Virgin America to give benefits to loyalty customers to get some points when they take flight on sister airlines. This simply means that people travelling through any of these 3 flights will earn some credit that will be deducted under frequent travelling program. This partnership has applied from April, 2010. This exchange agreement will enable Virgin Blue or V Australias Velocity customer to earn Velocity points vice-versa through any of the 3 flights. Virgin Blue is presenting this as benefits to its guests a act of Customer relationship management. Virgin Blue team says that their motto is that people from whole USA other parts of the world plan their tours with our developing airline family. Virgin blue is famous for its customer service, product innovation, great design high level of facilities. Virgin Blue has got Best National Airline for 3rd consecutive year at the Australian National Travel Industry Awards.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Essay -- essays research papers

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Some time ago, I decided to read Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, by Jules Verne. I figured that because it was so well known it must be an extremely interesting book. In addition, it was science fiction, the one area that I was always interested. My assumption was only partially correct, for I only was to a degree interested in the piece of writing. When Jules Verne was writing this book, he must have been reading some incredibly dull science book the day before, for that was what the book was written as. The style of writing was utterly against my tastes, and though the plot was moderately interesting, the style of writing really ruined it. Often, the author will trail off describing some marine animal for pages at a time. Two entire chapters were almost entirely this! However, the setting and characters of the story seemed to be well thought out. Nevertheless, 20,000 Leagues under the Sea was an extremely tedious volume. When the story w as introduced, Jules Verne described M. Aronnax, the main character, whose love for marine biology was more important than anything else to him did. This immediately led to the international crisis about a bizarre aquatic creature, which immediately dragged M. Aronnax into the action. Due to his expertise on the matter, the public expected Pierre to be the one to solve this mystery. M. Aronnax, under all this pressure, concluded that the animal was to be called the Narwhale. At first, the mat...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Japanese Economy :: essays research papers fc

The Japanese Economy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The prewar economy of Japan was a Socialist economy and the country was ruled by an emperor up to WW2 and after WW2 it started to lean towards a mixed market economy until what it is today although its government is Socialist it is leaning towards a mixed market economy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Japanese economy is a mixed economy that leans towards market, it is like this because almost all business are run by private corporations or people and that is the market in the economy. And the reason that they are thriving and are so competitive is because of the trade tariffs and quotas that the government has in place. These regulations include heavy taxes on some products and denial on some others for example: the way Japan will only let certain foreign cars in to Japan and even then they are so heavily taxed that the average Japanese person can ¹t pay that much and will have to buy a Japanese made car and at the same time in other countries they are selling their cars for less than anyone else in that country and that is what they do with most of their products and is how they get a trade surplus year after year.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Manufacturing is the most important economic activity in Japan it accounts for about 28% of it ¹s GDP. The Japanese people import more than half of the products that they manufacture from other countries in their crudest form and manufacture them into transportation equipment, iron, steel, chemicals, petroleum and coal products and textiles. Most of these products are produced by large corporations with many employees and the happier the employees are the more it will be done.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An aspect of a market economy that Japan has is the way the companies treat their workers. The way the Japanese treat their workers is so different form the way we treat our workers here. The Japanese are so much more respectful towards their employer( the exact opposite from other countries especially those with a centralised economy) and often work for one employer until retirement. Some of the special treatment that the workers receive is housing; some of the companies namely Honda have a special housing unite for their workers and their families and a company cemetery for all the workers and their families. Because of this the employees work habits are much more productive and a larger profit can be turned and they can get a jump on the competition.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In centralised economies very few lucturies are returned to the people and in market economies most of them are, in Japan there are to kinds of people

The Status of Africa :: Politics Economics Geography African Essays

On October 7 1999, Arizona Daily Wildcat published a remarkable article by Lora Mackel, a history Junior in the University of Arizona. In the article, Mackel expressed her views about the current state of the African continent as follows: We have all seen the images before: Children with bloated bellies, rebels with assault weaponry, shanty towns that spread as far as the camera can pan. These images reflect our own modern conceptions of Africa, for it seems that these wretched conditions and the continent itself are permanently linked. (4) Mackel’s article reminded this writer of a little anecdote told by a fellow countryman of mine named Kagiso, who is from northern Botswana and is currently studying in Alabama. Apparently, one of his American classmates innocently asked him how he had escaped from the civil war going on in Africa. According to Kagiso, this particular classmate of his has this notion that Africa is just one big country. Although it was easy for my countryman, Kagiso, to dismiss his classmate’s question as emanating from an individual on the lower side of the I.Q. scale, the point is that it connects to Mackel’s views and summarizes the perceptions of some Americans about Africa. Their perception is that the whole African continent is a basket case. On the other hand, there are some Americans who – unlike some of their countryman – may not dismiss Africa entirely out of hand. Such Americans may hold the view that Africa is a serious cause for concern. Once in a while , a sympathetic soul who holds the latter view more strongly may arise. Unfortunately, most of the time, such people feel so sorry for Africa that they end up being apologists for the African continent, never mind the fact that the continent is home to 61 countries with varying economic successes (â€Å"Atlas† 122). The generalized descriptions of Africa by writers such as Mackel fail dismally to present a true image of the continent. Africa’s critics may single out the political instability prevalent in some African countries as a cause for their dismissal of Africa. These critics may use Rwanda to plead their case. In 1994, approximately 250,000 Rwandans crossed into neighboring Tanzania as refugees. This was after their village leaders forced them out just because they belonged to a different ethnic group (Shawcross 4). It is easy for Africa’s critics to gloat over these reports. However, one need not be reminded that political strife is not uncommon in this day and age.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Babysitting at It’s Finest

Babysitting at its finest There are many perks to babysitting three kids, a dog in a ridiculously large house. Now don’t get me wrong, I do it because I need the money, I’m a teenager, what do you expect? But like we’ve learnt before, life isn’t always about the money. So listen closely as I fill you in on other reasons as to why I really love babysitting, satirically of course. Now that we’ve established that I babysit to earn money, let me start off by telling you that one of the main reasons I love my job is because even though student wage is $9. 60, I get paid $10 an hour.I mean, I’m not complaining at all, especially since I don’t even do half the work a regular job requires. I put the kids in bed by eight o’clock, I read them a bedtime story, and then I just sit down, watch television and even go on the internet. For the next four or five hours I can really do whatever I want. Don’t get me wrong, I love spending ti me with the kids, but most of the time, children can really get annoying after the first hour or so. Second of all, since the kids are in bed really early, the parents are gone; why not explore and see what interesting things I can find in the house.I mean, haven’t you heard of that one saying, â€Å"what’s yours, is mine? † Well that definitely applies to me in this case, especially since I must keep myself occupied, I don’t want to fall asleep on the job! My favourite destination to visit would definitely have to be the kitchen. First stop, the fridge and cupboards. As I help myself to raiding the fridge, I usually get very excited, considering the food is usually delicious opposed to what I sometimes eat at home. But, who’s complaining? They have a washer and dryer, so while you’re there why use it? I mean it’s tough living in a house with five other individuals, take any occasion you get!Oh, and I cannot forget about the televisio n usage! All the PPV movies that are usually over $6 a piece, each are always the best. Lastly, most times when I babysit I would usually spend the night because their parents would be out way too late, and their parents wouldn’t be home until the morning later that afternoon. The kids would be asleep, and the parents are gone, so that gives me plenty of time to have what every teenager wants to attend, a party! I’m beyond grateful to babysit on weekends, because I get this opportunity. I’d usually bring out some snacks on the table, turn on a PPV movie, hire a DJ and then the night is young.I always make sure to bribe the children into staying in their room, just so they don’t see how many strangers are in. Usually a small â€Å"get together† is an absolute understatement. But, all is good because at the end of the night; the house is clean and the kids are safe. I’m a teenager, I like to take risks, and I will enjoy life to the fullest, ev ery second I get, even if that means I’m babysitting. Not only is it great money, (we had to learn the hard way, that money doesn’t grow on trees) but it’s something I really do enjoy spending my time doing. These are the perks of babysitting, satirically of course.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Murra’s Is a Significant Work of Literature Essay

â€Å"Why is a play a significant work of literature? It is because the play presents enduring themes and ideas that continue to engage audiences.† The play Murra’s by Eva Johnson takes place between the late sixties and mid-seventies and focuses on one family and their struggle to come to grips with white Australia as they move from a fringe dwelling to life in the city This play was set at the time of the stolen-generation, which was when Indigenous Australian children were taken away from their families by British settlers and were forced to forget what little of their Aboriginal identity they knew, and live like â€Å"white people†. The ancestors of those people who were subject to the stolen generation still exist today that is why the ideas and themes that are conveyed in the play about the stolen generation continue to engage an audience particularly in Australia because the discrimination they experienced is still going on today and it might not ever go away. Throughout the play there are a number of themes and techniques showing and emphasising the treatment of Aboriginal people, how they lived, their thoughts and their opinions. The first theme displayed in the play is Gender. Gender is a social idea that creates roles and expectations based on people being either male or female. An example of gender is shown through the technique of characterisation. A significant character by the name of Wilba is characterised by the writer through dialogue and stage directions. He is seen as the dominant masculine figure of the family, greatly shown in scene one when he comes home carrying a bucket of water and food. The effect of the way Wilba is characterised emphasises the gender stereotypes that are very constant throughout the play. Another technique showing gender is costume. The women in Murra’s wear traditionally feminine clothing. For example mother Ruby comes home with a bag of dresses for her sixteen year old daughter Jayda to wear, as this is typical female attire. The expectations of the female gender are maintained through costume because what the women wear is stereotypical. Gender at the time was a significant issue, particularly within Aboriginal culture. Identity is a strong concept to most Indigenous Australians. It is a significant issue or theme in the play Murra’s. Identity is part of a link to culture. Due to government control at the time, Aboriginal identity was severely affected, illustrated by the families struggle to maintain it. Characterisation is used to show identity by the way Granny is characterised through her strong beliefs, shown in act one when she says; â€Å"Wudjella woman got different way to Gudjeri woman. They don’t have woman’s dreaming, special dance†. The effect of this is Granny is shown as a representation of the strong Aboriginal identity that the family cling to. Granny’s dying scene is another example of identity; this is shown through the technique of sound and lighting. â€Å"This is done to the music of the Didjeridu and Clapping sticks. At the end of the dance the lights slowly fade until the stage is totally black.† This symbolises her return to the earth and the traditional preparation of her body to return to the spiritual world of her dreaming. Granny’s death results in the metaphorical death of Aboriginal identity. Power is the ability to influence the behaviour of people and is a theme that is central to the play Murra’s. The characters within the play are very much affected by the power and authority that controls them, which essentially dictates the role of gender and identity of each character. One of the techniques used to show power in the play is setting. An example is â€Å"The year is 1970. The family have moved to the city.† This example shows that the government had the power to move them from the county where they were living to the city. Dialogue is another technique used to show power. An example is when Wilba says â€Å"I’m sick to the gut of their false promises of self-determination. Sick of their shit lies, their corrupt laws, their diseases and their gaols†¦ Yeah their chains, their chains.† The effect of dialogue within the play emphasises their strong opinions regarding the constant power struggle they are forced to deal with due to government control. The play Murra’s is a significant work of literature because the themes, gender, identity and power, to this day engage audiences as the issues displayed have still not been rectified and are highly controversial topics. The themes displayed are always present in society and are something that may never go away

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Everlost by Neal Shusterman Essay

Allie and Nick both die in a car crash. They’re supposed to go towards that light at the end of the tunnel, but they bump into each other and get knocked into a mysterious world between life and death called Everlost. The world is filled with terror, and unexpected twists for the souls that reside there. Both Nick and Allie want their lives back, so they start exploring this new world, hoping to find a way back to their normal lives. There is a catch, however: If they stand still in the living world for too long, they will sink into Earth. The longer they stay in Everlost, the more they forget about themselves in the real world. In the beginning of the book, they are saved by a boy named Lief, who tells them that they are called â€Å"Afterlights†, who cannot walk where the living walk. They are somewhat like ghosts. He warns them of a dreaded and evil monster, McGill, before they make their way to New York City. There, they meet a Mary Hightower, the â€Å"mother† of Afterlights who keeps many Afterlights safe, and author of hundreds of books on living in Everlost. She lives with the children under her care in the destroyed World Trade Center. This is because things that are much beloved in the world can cross into Everlost if they are destroyed. They settle down, but Allie is not content with the way things are, so she sets out to see if she has special powers. Allie notices other Afterlights at the Twin Towers keep repeating and doing the same exact thing everyday. Lief gets stuck playing the Pac-Man arcade game non-stop and she has to pry him from the game to drag him along with her. They meet The Haunter in a factory that crossed over to Everlost. Allie gets Lief and Nick captured by The Haunter and it is shown that Allie can pick up living things and also possess or ‘skinjack’ as it is called in the book. In her adventures, she learns how to use her own powers. These adventures tell Nick his purpose while revealing the secret plan of Mary Hightower and the real identity of the McGill, Mikey McGill, Mary(really Megan) Hightower’s younger brother. Mary, also known by others as the Sky Witch, has been lying to the children, stealing the coins they invariably have in their possession, which will allow them to leave Everlost, a metaphor for the coins given to pay Charon. Nick has also received the nickname â€Å"Chocolate Ogre† because of how he has a chocolate stain on his face, and Mary spreads rumors about how he sends Afterlights away by luring them in with the smell of chocolate. Allie outsmarts the McGill, who is unmasked by his sister. Allie, traveling home, is later saved by Mikey, who takes her the rest of the way home. Setting: The stories in the Skinjacker trilogy takes place in the Everlost. Everlost is the place between life and death that all lost children end up after getting lost in their journey to the afterlife. These lost children, or Afterlights as they are called, are unseen by the real â€Å"living† world. The afterlights cannot interact with the real world (except those with the ability to possess or â€Å"skinjack† the living and will sink to the Earth’s core if they stay still. An exception, is when somebody has died in that spot. They can interact with certain objects that are loved so much by their owners that when the object breaks, it crosses over to Everlost, unbroken, and is given a place there for eternity. The same is for certain places that were destroyed (the twin towers are used as an example) that were love d and cherished by many people and will never be forgotten. There are no adults in Everlost presumably because they know where they are going Character: Alexandra â€Å"Allie† the Outcast: Allie is a 14-year-old girl who ends up in Everlost after the car she is riding in, crashes head on on a highway with the packed black Mercedes that Nick was in. Allie is brave and â€Å"goal† orientated though not a planner. She was reborn nine months later in â€Å"Everlost† as an Afterlight. Allie discovers that she has the gifted ability to â€Å"possess† (or â€Å"skinjack† as it is called in the book) people. She tries to return home to meet her parents in order to put her troubled mind at ease. However, on the way, she and Nick encounters many adventures.[3] Nick: He is 14 years old. A half-Japanese boy who is more of a follower, not a leader. He was riding in a packed black Mercedes on the way to a wedding when he died with chocolate on his face; now he is stuck in formal clothes and a chocolate covered mouth for eternity. .[3] Megan â€Å"Mary Hightower† McGill: The self-proclaimed expert on Everlost, she has written many books on living in the world between life and death. She also thinks of herself as the mother of the many children stuck in this world, being one of the oldest inhabitants at fifteen. She will do anything to keep the â€Å"lost† Afterlights in Everlost.[3][4] Michael Edward McGill, â€Å"The McGill† or â€Å"Mikey†: The brother of Megan McGill. After escaping the by [[Inner core|earth’s core] by becoming a monster ], he encounters a ghost ship where he spends nearly 20 years looting and â€Å"kidnapping† Afterlights after believing a fortune in a chinese fortune cookie that in exchange for 1000 souls, he can return to the land of the living.[3] Travis, alias â€Å"Lief†: An 11-year-old boy Allie and Nick had found in the crossed-over forest. He follows them throughout the novel, until he reaches a state of peace and leaves Everlost through a coin. Before he leaves it is discovered that his real name was Travis. This is how Nick realizes the coins have the power to help the Afterlights â€Å"ge t where they’re going†.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Older Adult Interview

I had the privilege of interviewing a 60 year old gentlemen who I will identify as Mr. E to protect his privacy for this assignment. The goal of my interview was to gain insight on aging from an older adult. I interviewed Mr. E in his home on a weekday evening. He expressed appreciation and was surprised that he was the focus of an interview in which his life story and thoughts would be recorded. Mr. E was born in a ranch in Guadalajara, Mexico. He is the youngest son of nine children. His father passed away when he was 1 – year old. He was privileged to attend elementary school from the 1st grade to the 4th grade.Mr. E had the responsibility of helping support the family as there were only two male children in the family and the remaining siblings were female. At 13 years of age he went to the neighboring state of Tepic, Nayarit to work in agriculture. He was 15- years old when he immigrated to the United States by himself. Mr. E lived with friends who helped him find a job 3 weeks after he moved to the United States. He worked as a busboy at a restaurant for 3 months. He left that job to work in the garment industry making jeans, shirts and blouses for 3 years. I was the only man working there at that time† (E. Privacy, personal communication, October 10, 2012). Mr. E observed that years later he saw more males seeking employment in the garment factories because word spread that any undocumented individual could work making clothing regardless of gender. He financially supported   two infant children on those wages. He then worked in a fabric for 7 years making electrical parts for cars. After that he worked as a gardener and left the business to his son when he retired. He was married at the age of 18 and had his first child at the age of 21.Two years later he had a daughter. He became a U. S. Citizen and has helped many family members also obtain their citizenships in the past decades. He is a grandfather of 5 and looks forward to seeing grea t grandchildren in the future. I asked Mr. E (2012) what he best enjoyed about being an older adult. You are a person that sees things for what they are. As if you walked a path and see what you could of done but didn’t. How could you have lived and not lived. You see your errors. Like when you are on a cliff looking down or on the clouds and looking down.When asked about challenges to getting older (2012) Mr. E felt that accepting the challenges and just living the best you can is all you can do. Try to live in peace and love what is on earth. When you think of death you have to accept it. Why fight it you are going in that direction. You have to make a decision. He told me a story of a friend he had who had cancer and she made the choice to stop the chemotherapy. Her arms had scabs and she decided enough was enough. She knew she wasn’t going to get better. She talked about death as if she were going to a party.He described how she appeared to be at peace because she lived a fulfilling life. Mr. E felt that she encouraged and motivated him more than he to her. Mr. E felt that the greatest joys of getting older were family and seeing it grow. He also felt that being loved and having others think highly of you were great achievements. Looking back on his life Mr. E felt that the only thing he could have done differently was to be more patient, smarter, more humane and not make as many mistakes. â€Å"You look back and think that you were not able to see things that are obvious† (E.Privacy, personal communication, October 10, 2012). When asked about fears of getting older Mr. E stated that living with diseases and not being able to pay for medications and hospitalizations was a concern for him. Although, he has insurance he stated it is very expensive and he is worried he might not always be able to pay the high amount. He stated that he worried about leaving family members behind that may not be emotionally and financially stable. ?The fina l thoughts Mr. E left me with were some positive things that he anticipate as getting older. Seeing the world as a paradise, enjoying spending time with horses and seeing family grow older and expand†(E. Privacy, personal communication, October 10, 2012). ?Throughout the interview themes such as family and time arose over and over again. His emphasis on missed opportunities with family has taught me that if I am not careful I will also have the same concerns when I am an older adult. He didn’t mention business as a regret even though when he talked about his personal history the majority of that conversation was on job history.During the interview I was on the edge of my seat because he had a lot of wisdom to share and I knew that I was lucky to get advice from somebody who has lived longer than I have. My perceptions of older adults has not changed as I have always felt that they have bigger wealth of information greater than Google. My new perceptions of aging are tha t healthcare is one of the biggest concerns for older adults. I need to hurry up and start planning for my own health care as I have not really given it priority in my life. This interview has confirmed my desire to work with older adults.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Strategic Choice and Evaluation (synopsis) Essay

Strategic Choice and Evaluation (synopsis) - Essay Example Management can determine the direction the firm needs to head for continued success by conducting a SWOT. To take this a step further, the strategic manager may also conduct a matched paired analysis. The matched paired analysis allows the manager to match the strengths and weaknesses of the firm with the opportunities and threats. This will allow management to determine what strengths and opportunities are the best options for the firm to ensure the strategic plan objectives are achieved. Evaluating the strategies of each individual company allows management to find alternatives to improve the organizations plans for continued growth. Therefore, each company has to implement strategies to innovate new ideas and products for profitable gain. The Team D was involved in analyzing a company in order to develop a strategy for the company. The team tried to work on three areas including the development of a generic as well as a grand strategy and to identify the method of delivering high value. This in turn will help the company in developing a strategy that will assist then in their future goals. In order to develop a strategy an organization based strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis is necessary. The SWOT analysis along with the matched pair analysis helps the organization in matching the organization’s strengths as well as weakness with its respective opportunities and threats. The matching of these components helps organization in identifying opportunities that the organization can explore with its strengths for the attainment of organizational objectives. The company can even evaluate the strategies of its competitors in order to identify ways through which it can improve its own oper ations and attain

Thursday, September 12, 2019

International Monetary Fund Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Monetary Fund - Essay Example ..As Jacob Viner put it 'trying to reverse the whole trend of policy and practice of the world at large in the field of international economic relations since 1914 and especially in the ill-fated years since 1929" ( From the establishment the Bank was planned to challenge protectionism and economic depression. The Government of United States was chiefly involved in designing The World Bank and it is situated in Washington. It was based on a synthesis of the economic theories put forward by Harry Dexter White (U.S.) and Maynard Keynes (U.K.). America had 36% of the voting power in 1946 and offered the biggest part of the official finances and hence was considered as a dominating power. Moreover, the president of The World Bank has always been an American. In 1944, at Bretton woods conference, two different but complementary institutions were established. IMF was designed to help government maintain their balance-of-payments, whereas, the World Bank was founded with the basic intention of post-war re-stabilization of countries by giving loans to the affected countries. The proper name given to The World bank is 'International Bank for Reconstruction and Development'. The World Bank and International Monetary Fund were set up in the finishing stages of World War II, at a convention in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire; USA. The participants signified the governments quickly to win the battle in opposition to fascism. The participants wanted to rebuild Europe and the global economic system which was harshly affected by that destructive war (Peet, 2003). The main objective of the conference held at Bretton Woods was among the British and US delegations addressing the moderate and conservative ideas of worldwide economic institutions. Maynard Keynes represented the views of British Delegation and proposed that the new IMF should be a helpful fund for the countries facing economic crises, to aid them in maintaining economic and employment activities during periodic crisis. This vision recommended an IMF serving governments to operate as the US government had during the New Deal in reply to the great downturn of the 1930s. On the other hand, the US delegation put forward a view that IMF should be more similar to a bank and the needy countries are liable to return the debts on time. This view was more conservative and was less concerned to solve the problems of recession and unemployment. However, the US vision succeeded and this is the way how economic crises have been controlled since WW-II (Harris, 1988). The International Monetary Fund has been helping the governments facing economic crises since the Second World War by offering them, loans for a certain period of time. These loans are widely known as 'Structural Adjustment' loans as their main objective is to aid borrowing governments to adjust the structure of economic activity. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established on December 27, 1945. Twenty nine states accepted its Articles of Agreement in the expectations of avoiding a reappearance of the economic procedures that donated to the United States Great Depression in the 1930's. Other objectives of the IMF comprise the endorsement of international monetary cooperation, the development of worldwide trade, and the feature that has become its major identity is the loan of funds it provides to member countries.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Anthropological gender and sexuality and how cultural relativism Essay

Anthropological gender and sexuality and how cultural relativism - Essay Example He died in 2004 after committing suicide. Anthropologists’ analysis reveals that money has been used to change gender identities in the history as well as today. This approach to intersex has been widely used in the developed world such in treating children with sex anatomy problems. Gender roles vary across culture, in that, women perform domestic works while men work in offices, provide security and indeed provide for their families (Visvanathan et al. 78). In the Medline articles, a study conducted in Namibia, Africa shows how men are given priorities to practice polygamy. In the seventeenth century, men and women were assigned with different tasks in the American society. In a family, men provided security and wealth while women performed the domestic works as well as raising the children (Visvanathan et al. 79). Nowadays, the women are working in offices as men, providing for their family as well as having several sexual partners. In some African communities, women still perform the home tasks despite the current civilization. Gender inequalities have been caused by some ideologies that give men more power over women (Visvanathan et al. 90). In African communities, the fact that women are exchanged with money or other forms of wealth such cattle have created gender inequalities for the past years. With the civilization, men are still not ready to support ideologies advocating for gender equality since this would lead to culture crash. Some ideologists advocate for the protection of cultures, beliefs and traditions. In most societies, however, sexual violence against women has been observed (Visvanathan et al. 128). The women’s occupational and educational status remains low since the culture is protected against intervention by foreign parties. However, with the introduction of international human rights commissions and

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Art History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14

Art History - Essay Example According to this movement, reason and logic led people into war and therefore they were against capitalism. Fountain is one the greatest Duchamp’s works and this piece of art is dated 1917. This piece of art is well known for the production of readymade or found objects of visual art. It is also important to understand that this piece of art has a close relationship with the dada movement. As already mentioned above, Dadaism was against the strict logic and reasoning and productions like the fountain was meant to change the focus of art from the traditional visual to mental. Theo van Doesburg is also one of the Dadaist artists who had similar opinions of changing the focus of the traditional art to modernism. According to this artist, art was not meant to just please the eyes but also to appease the mind. His works closely resembles Duchamp’s work of cubism. The two artists based their works on change of ideologies as they argued that lack of change in ideology is what resulted into the First World War. Their main aim of art was to show retaliation against capitalism in most countries across Europe and America. Theo van Doesburg made large drawings, writings and other studies regarding large glasses. This artist desired the accommodation of modernity with his style commonly used in modern industrial products. This is also similar to Duchamp especially his work on the fountain. The urinal is commonly used in the toilets. It is also important to understand that the formation of glasses and tiles as pieces of art is majorly influenced with these two artists. Besides this Doesburg was also much concerned about alphabetical designs something that is argued to be an influence from his witty chess game (Baljeu). He is reported to be a lover of chess and this influenced most of his art work. A good example is the formation of the vertical word of zig-zag in 1931. The artists aimed at stripping words their

Monday, September 9, 2019

Nano Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nano - Assignment Example Tompkins has been titled the CEO because his background closely fits the position. He is likely to be doing more work than the other founders. Since he is doing more work he deserves a different salary and equity level. The other founders are fair with the equity but not fair about the salary that Tompkins receives. The decisions made regarding split equity and compensation is unfair and leaves no room to share equity amongst other employees. Without being able to share equity amongst other employees, the new employees may not be as driven to get the company where it needs to be. The founders are the creators of the company and share in ownership. All though they may share in ownership it does not mean that they should share equity and compensation if there job duties are not the same. A change is equity and compensation needs to be made to create a real fairness and ability to offer equity to other employees. The size of the founding team is five men that are all from the same company. Don Rupert is the head of AMSL. He is a co founder of NanoGene. Will Tompkins is a bio chemist and founder along with three other scientist and biologist. Mark Masterson and Ravi Rhoota were former AMSL scientist and an important asset to NanoGene. Gary Garfield who was also important to NanoGene is a doctor in biology. Each founder is vital to NanoGene in a way that the type of development for NanoGene requires each founder to make it work. Having five founders starting up a company can cause problems early as well as later on in the company life. Having five founders requires the need to receive acceptance from each of the five founders each time an issue arises. It is unlikely that all five founders will agree on each issue. When issues come up of importance it is likely that a vote will need to take place. Being a founder of a company is an important role. Founders are the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Intelligence Reform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intelligence Reform - Essay Example After World War 1, America intelligence hard work paid attention on code breaking against Germany and Japan. In 1941 president Franklin Roosevelt established the first peacetime civilian intelligence after discovering that it was inevitable to escape involvement of the world war 2.the offices were developed to manage the activities of a number of agencies. Nevertheless, after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor the United States experienced its mostly expensive intelligence disaster (Zegart 25). The intelligence failure because of assessing â€Å"misconceptions, collection gaps, bureaucratic confusion and well-planned Japanese denial and deception† resulted to the development of a larger and more varied agency in 1942 (Calabrese 11). The US intelligence agency faces the challenge of widespread lack of trust in its power to undertake its mission competently and legally. Existence of increased terror group like al Qaeda has been a major challenge for intelligence policy makers (Kantor 35). The ability to control any source of information retrieved is also a major pitfall. Intelligence agency need also to change its old tactic of viewing things instead it needs to incorporate the developing technology to counter enemies. The September 11 attacks necessitated the intelligence to reform its tactics to counter other terrorist attacks. The attack was termed as a major failure for the intelligence team therefore reinvention and revitalization techniques ought to be embarked (Calabrese 14). The intelligence reforms have also embarked on techniques that involve counterintelligence missions. The techniques involve finding out loopholes within the intelligence team to ensure past mistakes are not repeated and terror attacks are prevented. In the past intelligence involved speculation about problems or what was anticipated to happen. Evidence of information were hidden and

Prison Corruption and Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prison Corruption and Control - Essay Example For corruption to occur, it requires discretionary powers and a lack of accountability (World Bank, 1998). If accountability is present in any shape or form, the likelihood of corruption becomes reduced. In the same manner, a civil society as well as an organisation within that civil society can reduce corruption if it focuses on accountability wherever there are discretionary powers handed over to a given party (Von Muhlenbrock, 1997). For example, prison wardens may have discretionary powers to a large extent in terms of how prisons are supposed to be handled and how they are to be governed. This discretion gives them great power in managing prisons and they are able to maintain control of quite a few situations where not having discretionary powers would lead to inefficiencies in the system. Even a prison guard can be given discretionary powers and such powers are required for him/her to perform his/her duties. At the same time, all individuals working in a prison have to be made accountable for their actions. Situations where it is suspected that discretionary powers were misused, have to be brought to light and if the individual is found guilty of misusing his/her power, appropriate punishments need to be given out to that individual. Unless the process of holding people accountable for their use of power is established, discretionary power would lead to some level of corruption (Von Muhlenbrock, 1997). As long as accountability remains in place, the chances of prisons, societies even business enterprises becoming corrupt remain minimal (SMH, 2006). The issue of accountability is not limited to social bodies such as prisons and hospitals. On a larger scale it also applies to countries and nations who may use their discretionary powers to establish their own controls over a region or over other countries. Even in such cases, if the country can be made accountable for its actions, the chances of misuse of power become minimized.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Thermodynamics Lab Essay Example for Free

Thermodynamics Lab Essay Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to determine the identity of an unknown metal, and to prove whether the laws of thermodynamics hold when determining this identity. Using the accepted specific heat of water (4186 J/kg  · oC), heat flow between two different sets of water though the conduction of an unknown metal can provide useful data in determining the identity. The heat transfers can be calculated to approximate the specific heat of the unknown metal. When heat is transferred to an object, the temperature of the object increases. When heat is removed from an object, the temperature of the object decreases. The relationship between the heat (q) that is transferred and the change in temperature (DT) is: q = mCDT = mC  · (Tf Ti). After the specific heat of the metal is found, it can then be compared to known specific heat values of various metals, which in turn will allow for a probable identity of the unknown metal to arise. Hypothesis: The identity of the unknown metal is aluminum. This can be inferred from the unknown metals appearance, which resembles aluminum it its color, light weight, and luster. The laws of thermodynamics will hold when determining the unknown metal. The laws of thermodynamics must apply in order for heat flow to occur during the experimentation. Materials: The materials used in the lab were two calorimeters (insulated, Styrofoam containers), an unknown metal in the shape of a wide horseshoe, two thermometers, a balance, water, a beaker, and a Bunsen burner. Procedure: 1.Measure the weight of the Pyrex beaker, and then pour 200 mL into the beaker. Weigh the beaker filled with water. Record both weights to find the weight of the water by itself. Let this mass of water be labeled 1. Next, pour the water into one of the calorimeters and take the temperature of it. This temperature should be the room temperature and the same as the unknown metals temperature. 2.Pour 200 mL of water into the beaker and weigh the beaker filled with water. Record the weight. Let this mass of water be labeled 2. 3.Use the Bunsen burner to heat up the 200 mL of water in the beaker to 75o C. Then pour the hot water into the other calorimeter. 4.Set-up the calorimeters by placing the thermometers and the unknown metal in their specific places. 5.Record temperatures of both calorimeters every minute until thermal equilibrium is reached. 6.Clean and return all materials and dispose of any waste. Conclusion: The graph indicates that heat flow did undergo during the experimentation. The cold water increased in temperature, while the hot water decreased. The two liquids underwent changes in temperature until they both reached thermal equilibrium. This thermodynamics law is called the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics. This law basically states that two bodies will naturally reach thermal equilibrium when in contact. The First Law of Thermodynamics was obeyed as well. Only heat from the warmer body went to the colder body. Heat only travels in one direction, from the hot to the cold, as can be seen from the graph. My hypothesis of the unknown metal being aluminum was correct. The results of my lab showed that the unknown metal was aluminum, and later it was said that the metal had in fact been aluminum. The lab calculations went well. The values were somewhat disparate however. For example, the specific heat was found to be 1200  ± 110 J/kg  · oC, but the actual specific heat of aluminum is 900 J/kg  · oC. This difference can be attributed to the imperfect insulation of the calorimeters. Some heat must have been lost during the experiment, which may have caused a distortion in values as a result. Also, the metal was exposed to the outside air, and likely lost some heat to the air. Overall, the lab was a success. The only improvements I would suggest are to have better insulators and more precise instruments. Better insulation would yield improved results. The metal, which was transferring the heat, should have been insulated so that heat could not escape during the heat transfer. More pr ecise instruments would cut down on the uncertainties, which then would allow for better and more accurate results.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Spectrophotometry Essay Example for Free

Spectrophotometry Essay Potassium permanganate (KMnO_4) is commonly used as an oxidizing agent and in this experiment, it is used as both the titrant and indicator. A standard of potassium permanganate solution was prepared and computed to be 0. 02235 M and was used to titrate a sulfuric acid solution wherein the sample salt was dissolved. The solution was heated to 90Â °C then titrated until a light pink colored solution was obtained. The experiment focused on determining the percentage of Sodium oxalate (Na2C2O4) in the sample and at the end of the experiment it was found to contain 49. 45%. Experiment 9 focuses on determining the different concentrations of potassium permanganate solutions by finding its absorbance through the use of spectrophotometer. Four known concentrations were prepared; 2. 5 x ? 10? ^(-3) M, 6. 25 x ? 10? ^(-4) M, 1. 25 x ? 10? ^(-4) M, 6. 25 x ? 10? ^(-4) M. The solutions were placed on the spectrophotometer to determine absorbance together with the unknown. Distilled water was placed before each trial to ensure the accuracy of results. Determining the concentration of the unknown sample was done by drawing a graph of the concentration against the absorbance and was found to be Introduction Spectrophotometry is a method to measure how much a chemical substance absorbs light by measuring the intensity of light as a beam of light passes through sample solution. The basic principle is that each compound absorbs or transmits light over a certain range of wavelength. This measurement can also be used to measure the amount of a known chemical substance. Spectrophotometry is one of the most useful methods of quantitative analysis in various fields such as chemistry, physics, biochemistry, material and chemical engineering and clinical applications. A spectrophotometer is an instrument that measures the amount of photons (the intensity of light) absorbed after it passes through sample solution. With the spectrophotometer, the amount of a known chemical substance (concentrations) can also be determined by measuring the intensity of light detected.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Climate Change Effects On Water Resources Environmental Sciences Essay

Climate Change Effects On Water Resources Environmental Sciences Essay The last two decades climate change is increasing due to the change of human activity such as cars, planes, factorys and other sources we use that adds greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Because of these human causes the earth is heating up. One effect that climate change has is the effect the change will have upon human water freshwater resources. I believe that climate change will have an effect on human water resources because of the close connections with the hydrological cycle, the raising temperature will increase in floods and droughts that will lead to the demand on more freshwater resources. Climate change has close connections with the hydrological cycle. The hydrological cycle is located in the earths hydrosphere this is the area in around earth which holds all the water. The water is moved around the earths hydrosphere in a cycle. The hydrological cycle is moved in five different steps evaporation, precipitation, condensation, runoff, collection and infiltration. The as you can see in Figure 1 the hydrologival cycle all starts of with evaporation this is the change of liquid water to water vapour. The next step is condensation this is the process of changing water vapour, from a liquid and then to form clouds as you can see from the clouds in figure 1. This process can be notice for example when you look out for dew on the ground in the morning. As the clouds you see in the sky move around earth spreading the water vapour from place to place. The clouds become over loaded with moisture so they have to release the overloaded moisture. They release the moisture by a pr ocess called by precipitation which is usually rain, hail or snow. Infiltration occurs they when all the precipitations lay on the ground. If there is to much precipitation on the ground this becomes runoff. Runoff stays on the earth ground and runs into streams, rivers, lakes and oceans. So when the precipitation run into the these streams, rivers, lakes and oceans this process is called collection. As infiltration, runoff and collection are being processed, the sun is causing a the cycle to return back to the begaining of the cycle to the process called evaporation.Sunlight heats up the liquid in streams, rivers, lakes and oceans. The warm air rises upwards into the atmosphere and becomes the vapour involved in condensation. Without this process life on earth would be impossible. Freshwater that we use in or day to day lifes usually comes from Aquifer, Streams, Rivers, Lakes. Aquifer are constructed when rocks of the upper part of the earths crust contain holes or pores. Theses holes are big or joined together so that water can flow through them easily. This is a part of rock that is easy for water to pass through known as permeable. Streams usually get most of its water from runoff, rain and melting snow. A stream is formed when the rain and melting snow met at the same place and get into a line of channel. Streams usely flows into lakes, rivers, aquifer and seas. Rivers are a natural stream of freshwater resource. Water within the river is generally collected from precipitation through surface runoff, groundwater recharge, springs and the release of stored water in ice and melting glaciers. Lakes are usually filled with deep freshwater or salt water. Lakes are inland usly on mountains areas and are not part of the Ocean. They are filled by rivers or streams that connect to them. Some Lakes can be man made and are constructed for industrial or agricultur al use and even for hydro- electric power or domestic water supply. Water is one of the most importent inputs the human body needs for us humans to cope with everyday life . We need it for so many things e.g. health, growing food, irrigation, industry. Despite the importance of Freshwater Resources decreasing, we are beginning to take the freshwater resources for granted. Most of the freshwater we use is wasted and polluted. Because the hydrological cycle temperature is rising it will lead to a change in the horological cycle, This will have an impact on the weather. The dry seasons will become alot more dryer and the wet seasons will become alot more wetter. Leaving us with more floods and droughts. This change will therefore will impart the availability and quality of water. Some of the countries on this earth already have a hard enouch time getting water because of increaseing industrial pollution and population growth. Climate change just adds to the problem to the quality of water, which in some parts of the world the reduce rainfall and rising temperatures decrease the freshwater. By the year 2025 most of humans living in countries with poor water quality levels will increase from approximately 34 percent (in 1995) to 63 percent.R K Pachauri (2005) The change in accessing water stressed areas will have a potential conflict. As there will be a pressured demand on freshwater because of household, agricultural and industrial uses. These conflicts will occur in water stressed areas fighting against areas of natural springs and rivers as well as this it will lead to conflict on boundary areas for example the region of Northern Kenya and the Samburu is having to cope with the changing patterns of rainfall and dry periods which with other pressures on the natural resources are leading to increasing conflict among tribal groups over access to scarce water.Smith (2006) 2 Discussion Most of the earth has 70% of ocean. While just 30% of the earth is land. Around 84% of the worlds population is living on dry land. Humans are trying to fix this by reconstruction the hydrological cycle system by building dams and creating waste water treatment plants etc. These elements will provide water for agriculture, household, Industrial, environmental and other uses. But these changes will also lead to some defects in years to come. India is one of the most effected by climate change. The snow ice caps of the Himalayas is experienceing less snow because of snow melt. The glaciers is melting and there is signs of increase flooding. The increasing rising temperatures is starting to dry up the rivers. The Himalayas holds the largest amount ice on the earth. Researchers have figure out that there is a strong combination between snow and the temperature. In recent years the Himalayas have experienced warm periods in the years between 1960- 1990, causing a reduction in snow fall. Glaciers has been watched by researchers in the the past years. The United Nations climate report predicts by 2035 some Himalayan glaciers will disappear with the rising temperatures. Because of the glaciers melting the melting ice will run off into rivers such as the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers and some tributaries coming from the Himalayan ice field. This will cause flooding to riverside cites e.g. Varanasi, Kanpur and Patna. These citys have a population of millions and have already experience floods during high monsoon season and it will be ongoing. Flooding will also cause interruption for the farming areas in northern parts of India and cause damage to the roads and rail way line. The dams such as the dams in Kosi ans Sutlej could over flow causing more destruction to cornfields and settlements. When the point of no ice is reached by 2035 the ice melting will have either stopped because of a solution to climate change or be dried up because of the continued temperature rising. If the ice does start to minimise the river will become weaker and dryer during the monsoon mouths and summer. As the earths temperatures rises from about 14 degrees C based in 2000 to a estimated 19 degrees C in 2100 the following effects will be cause by the increase; Agricultural, Household, Industrial, Environmental and health sea levels will rise to an estimated 3.9 in to estimated 35 by 2100. Some parts of the coastal cites around India e.g. Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and other parts of the world will be underwater. Even most of the island around India will be covered in water. The island of Lohachara is the first island in the world to be covered in water due to climate change. The island is located on the southern edge of the Ganges delta in the bay of Bengal. Its 10,000 residents became the first refugees created because of climate change. There is a group of 27 island called Lakhadweep around the Arabian sea off the coast of south Indian state Kraal. They have a population of about 61,000 people living on them. The low lying islands are in huge danger of being covered in water as well. India is one of the world biggest countrys that effects the greenhouse effect. With the increased temperatures they will create a increase in precipitation. Rising the process of evaporation resulting from warmer sea temperatures in the Indian ocean and Arabian Sea will increase that destroy process around the west Indian Rajasthan Desert As well as the water resources being shorten because of climate change there is also another problem and that is that usually boundary countries sometime share the same water resource. There is some indentation that there has been conflict over freshwater shared by two or more countries. Freshwater is very important to all the worlds Humans activity, including the Agricultural, Household, Industrial and Environmental. But bad management and the impact of climate change can lead to tensions between different countries. For some years the counties such as India and Bangladesh have encountered conflict on river resources. It all started In 1993 when India and Bangladesh came under pressure when the Ganges River started to reach its record lows. Because the water level was low it affected Bangladesh agricultural and killed most of its crops. In October 1995, The Prime Minister of Bangladesh addressed the United Nations(UN) .The prime minister called India ¿Ã‚ ½s share of river water resources  ¿Ã‚ ½a gross violation of human rights and justice. ¿Ã‚ ½ India ¿Ã‚ ½s establishment of the Farrakka Barrage which is a barrage built near the border of Bangladesh. The barrage was build was to separate water for the Calcutta port. But Bangladesh says that because of this separation it has resulted in falling water tables and greater water resources for Bangladesh. India has a different view of the issue. Indian leaders says that Bangladesh was wrong in describing this issue. Bangladesh has asked India for a  ¿Ã‚ ½minimum guarantee ¿Ã‚ ½ agreement which will give Bangladesh a minimum flow of water. In 1996 India and Bangladesh agreed in the agreement then the  ¿Ã‚ ½Treaty on the Sharing of the Waters of the Gang ¿Ã‚ ½ was signed. Some political leader were unhappy about the agreement. But it was accepted my most political leaders. Since the treaty Bangladesh continues to have a number of problems. Some of the agreements that was agreed in the treaty have not been met. How are we going to fix this problem is the question we need to ask ourselfs I can see from my research that some efforts are being made to improve management in freshwater resources. Different organiseions have been developed to help the mather of climate change for example, the United Nation(UN) have organised the first water conference to take place in 1977 and developed an action plan to take action on the improved management and development of water resources and the UN designated 2003 as the international year of freshwater resources. The mission of the organision is to increase awareness of the importance of freshwater use, management and protection, provide an opportunity to change the implementation of the principles of integrated water resources management, use the year as a platform for promoting existing activity and spearheading new initiatives in water resources at the international, regional and national levels, and Launch the world water development report at the thir d world water forum in Kyoto. The World Summit on Sustainable Development(WSSD) 2002 has emphasised on the development of an integrated water resources management and water efficiency plan.DEVELOPMENT (2003). Global Water Partnership(GWP) Is a network of agencies and intuitions to promote  ¿Ã‚ ½integrated water resource management ¿Ã‚ ½ in developing countries. It facilitates the exchange of knowledge, experience and practise related to water resources management.Partnerships (2010). World Water Council(WWC) is an international think-tank for water issues. It objective is to  ¿Ã‚ ½increase advocacy for improved water resources management ¿Ã‚ ½. WWC has been organising the World Water Forum(WWF) bi-annually. The 3rd Forum was held in Japan in march 2003.Council (2010). European Water Association Act as a focal point for the exchange of information related to water and water activities.Association (2010) 3 Conclusion I can conclude that because of climate change and the hydrological cycle it is having a slight long term effect on human water resources. I can see that it has close connections with the hydrological cycle. Because of this it will increases flooding, create dry lands and encounter conflict within countries. More acceleration to the hydrological cycle may result in more severe weather and extreme conditions.Anne E. Egger (2003) If we dont address this issue there will be further more problems in the future and lead to even more droughts and flooding. According to the Comprehensive Assessment Of Water Manage in Agriculture, one in three people are already facing water shortages(2007). Almost one-fifth of the world ¿Ã‚ ½s population, live in areas of physical scarcity. Climate change has a close connection between hydrological cycle. Rising temperatures will increase the changing liquid to vapour and lead to the increases in rainfall and snowfall. Because of this the overall supply of freshwater resources will increase, Droughts and floods will happen more frequently and changes in snowfall and snow melt are expected in mountainous areas more frequently. Reading about climate change has made me release that we take our freshwater for granted and dont think about what will happen if we lose the freshwater. Will we have to introduce water charges maintain better water systems.